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Hi there! My name is Florence Otaigbe, and I am a senior at Michigan State University. I am majoring in International Relations, and I plan to attend law school in Fall 2016. Throughout my undergraduate experience, I have developed a strong interest in immigration and refugee affairs. I have been fortunate enough to intern and volunteer at a few different refugee organizations, and this has only further developed my interest!

Given the political climate at this time, immigration is often heard within in the context of comprehensive immigration reform, but many people are not aware of all that is involved in immigration affairs. There is so much happening day to day, and I want to bring that to the public. Additionally, there is often more of a focus on voluntary migration (immigration and emigration) than on forced migration (refugees and asylees).  I also want to share my thoughts and ideas.

This blog is a space for me to do just that. It’s also an opportunity for me to pursue learning even more about immigration and refugee affairs in an innovative way. Additionally, it will allow me the opportunity to show some of the work I’ve done related to these topics. I hope you continue to join me and stay tuned to see what all goes on at Migration Station!

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